mor.charpentier art gallery, in Paris, is specialized in Latin American artists. They always have a cutting-edge choice and most of the time, these artists exhibit for the first time in Europe. So it is worth it to visit the gallery. Until the 7th, you can still discover their current exhibition called “The fourth Cordillera“.
But from the 9th of june until the 31st of July, you will be able to discover a new interesting exhibition called “La Mala Educación”, the bad education in spanish. For her first exhibition in Paris, the costa-rican artist Priscilla Monge decided to work with the french artist Mohamed Namou. The Bad Education is a strong representation of the dead-end that most of
educational systems are getting to. Pensum is the title of a work the artist executed in 1998 and presented at the Museum of Contemporary Art and Design in San José. It was an emblematic work in which, resorting to several dramatically illuminated blackboards, she reproduced the well-known disciplinary punishment of writing down ad nauseam an admonitory phrase, as for example, “I must not sleep with curators”. The blackboards also showed blots and crossing-outs, unequivocal signs of rebelliousness and irritation. The artist blends the traditional school punishment and the rule of forbidden. You can also discover school benches, covered with a marble plaque, as if they were epitaphs. You can see unfinished sentences like a failed knowledge transmission between the teacher and the student.
In a perpetual dialog, french artist Mohamed Namou presents his collection called “Tableau Tableaux” which is blackboard, blackboards in french. In this selection, the visitor can see empty blackboards where only the frame remains, like if we were missing the essential part: the knowledge.
Works by Priscilla Monge (Costa Rica San Jose, 1968) are represented in institutions such as the MADC Museo de Arte y Diseño Contemporaneo in San José, Costa Rica, Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporaneo MEIAC, Daros Latinamerica in Zurich Cisneros FontanalsArt Foundation in Miami, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo (CAAC).
Mohamed Namou (Oran, 1987) is currently at the Ecole Superieure desBeaux-Arts in Paris.
Wait just a few days and you will be able to “educate” yourself more. LA
galerie mor ! charpentier
8, rue Saint-Claude
75003 PARIS
M° Saint-Sébastien Froissart
T +(33) 0 1 44 54 01 58
From the 9th june to the 31st of july.