The Coca-cola bottle is one of the few universal objects that everybody knows. And trust me, you do not have so many. The Swiss Army Knife perhaps and that’s it. But the Coca-cola bottle evolved in years and always got the attention of many artists and
designers. Today, it is french designer Jérome Olivet. Designer Professor of prospective design, he has worked with large international companies, such as Alessi, Thomson, Baccarat, Nissan, RocheBobois… his creations are in the collections of museums of modern art around the world. He created in 2004 his own brand, a collection of fashion accessories with futuristic and functional lines. It is sold today in nearly 20 countries, and shown in several museums of Modern Art (Denmark, New York, Tokyo) and the museum of Contemporary arts in Chicago. Mr Olivet presents a very organic and sexy variation of the traditional Coca-cola glass bottle that reveals a very futuristic side. We could imagine this bottle at Bessons’ Fith Element movie. The project name is Coca-Cola Mystic and we do not know if the american beverage company will produce this one day but at least it represents a great design project. Revisiting the classics always represented a great interest for Designers. Check Jerome Olivet website for more information:
Check here some cool images. what do you think? Do you think Coke?