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Discover how Dior might not have things right with their Tweet sponsored campaign. It happens.

Twitter tweets for money, the sponsored tweet tool

Twitter was a true revolution in the way people and brands interact together. Here are the latest Twitter stats – source: Twitter Report 09.13.2013

  • Twitter is 7 years old
  • 1 Billion users
  • 231.7 million active users (23%)
  • 36 million unique visitors per month
  • China is the country with the biggest number of twitter users: 35.5 million
  • 300 billion tweets sent since the launch.
  • 500 million tweets per day
  • 75% of all tweets happened outside USA
  • 77% of Twitter users are on mobile
  • Average Followers per Twitter user: 208
  • 36% monthly increase of Twitter app downloads since the launch.

So you can imagine that Brands just jumped into the Twitter world as the engagement with customers are huge.
Micro-blogging was definitely a true innovation while Facebook and other mass networks just made the evolution of websites (which is already not bad).
And every global Social network needs at one point to “monetize” their platform. Let’s not forget that social media is not ruled by NGOs trying to make the world a better place! It is all about business despite of the cool californian attitude. So Twitter definitely want to make money. Social Media, as well as Internet today, run a delicate game about the idea of visibility. Nobody can be naive. If you do not pay you wont get visibility and visibility is key.
So, as a Brand you do not have the choice. The trend is set: organic reach shall disappear one day. At least for companies.
Google has SEM, Search Engine Marketing (Adwords) and Social Media has SMM: Social Media Marketing. Facebook has Promoted Posts, Twitter has Promoted tweets and Pinterest has Promoted Pins. For the poor and naive user, it is all called “Sponsored”. This means that the user never asked for it but the social media platform sold your data to a company that is now delivering an advertising to your personal newsfeed. Of course you are supposed to be happy as these ads, if the Media person of the company did well his job, are supposed to be highly targeted.
Unfortunately there are 2 current situations about the sponsored content: either you did not targeted your audience or your targeted audience did not ask for it anyway and get mad about it. This is what happened yesterday with Dior on Twitter. . Check it out.


Dior Sponsored tweets, what went wrong

Sometimes, either you are a community manager or a media buyer, you never know how people can react on your advertising campaign. Of course there are messages more intrusive than others. In this case, Dior used a very neutral message and even though the luxury french company got a war on the tweet feed. Has we say Sh** happens.
This is the initial tweet you could see in your newsfeed if you would match Dior target.
Dior Twitter fail tweet sponsorisé
So as you can see, this message could not be more informative and low profile.
But of course if you would be annoyed by such message, some people could be a little nasty. And this is what happened:

And the story goes on and on and at this point, as a Brand, you can just sit, lay-back and watch the horror movie as a simply viewer of your own misery. You try to understand why this person is being so rude. Is it an unsatisfied customer? Or A missed target? Sometimes people are doing this just for provocation or to rise their Klout score (my first 2.0 joke).
So things get dirty:

What can Dior do? Nothing. What can I say? Not much a part the fact that Dior was one of the pioneers in the 2.0 marketing and despite of the current situation their digital strategy, running now for more than 10 years, was mostly consider as best practice in the luxury industry. So yes, sometimes things goes wrong because Social Media is about real people and real relationships. Not about marketing personas. Social platforms should not forget this tiny difference.
Nevertheless you can join @Dior on Twitter. This is a non-sponsored advice 🙂

Info sourced at Twitter. All content is copyrighted with no reproduction rights available.