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Your dog is your best friend and gives you unconditional love each day, so they definitely deserve a bit of pampering. Treat your dog like the prince or princess they are and inject a bit of luxury into their life. Even the tiniest gestures will go a long way and are guaranteed to make your little furball happy. Here are some easy ways to pamper your pooch.

Get them some gourmet treats

Switch up your basic Dentastix or Greenies and get your dog some gourmet treats that will make their mouth water. Instead of buying a big box of dried treats from Walmart or your local supermarket, look for specialty retailers who only sell high-quality, organic options with ingredients you can understand. If your dog suffers from anxiety, joint, or muscle pain or is getting older, consider trying out the best CBD dog treats to relieve their symptoms and put a spring in their step.

Give them their own space

Create an area in your home that is just for your pooch. They will appreciate having a little haven within the house where they can retreat to if they feel anxious or tired. They will also feel comfortable keeping all their toys there, knowing the space is just for them. It doesn’t have to be a whole room, and even a section of a room, complete with a comfy dog bed, treat dispensers, and climbing pedestals if they like them.

Take them for a doggie spa day

Everyone loves a spa day, and your dog is no exception. While you should be giving your dog regularly baths and brushing at home already, the professionals really know what they are doing. Take them to a specialty groomer who does the works: fur trimming, nail clipping and filing, luxurious baths, and, of course, a nice massage. Dog spas will use the highest quality products to make your dog feel fresh and keep their coat extra shiny.


Provide entertainment for when you’re not home

Dogs live to serve their owner. They crave constant affection, attention and can become lonely when left at home alone. Dogs get bored quickly and often sit at the door, waiting for their owner to get home. Providing entertainment at home for when you’re not there will help distract your dog and keep them happy. There are exclusive videos and shows that you can play on your television that are specifically to entertain dogs. There are also audio apps, which play music and sounds that soothe dogs while they are alone.

Get them the best toys

Your dog deserves the best of the best, including high-quality and fun toys. Avoid getting dog toys at the dollar store that are made materials that may be harmful if ingested. Cheap toys are easier for dogs to break and potential swallow. Purchase a variety of durable toys with different functions to give your dog lots of different options. You can get treat-dispensing toys, squeaky toys, and toys that bounce or even talk! 

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