Tag: android

Mobile Apps segmentation, 2 apps are better than 1… Really?

There is a trend in which several smartphone apps are splitting into 2 distinctive apps. Facebook with messanger and Foursquare with Swarm. Why are they segmenting the offer and why now users...

Android is for non internet users??

Last month Android broke the news by announcing a massive 75% of world market share in Mobiles. This shows how the Google OS became a pretty big standard in the highly competitive...

iPhone new commercial – If you don’t have an iPhone…

Here is the new TV commercial for the iPhone 4. The theme is about the fact that if "you do not have an iPhone" basically you are a loser.... It is bold but is it not a little over the top?

Ferrari has now its own phone!

Based on an intelligent partnership between FERRARI and the computer constructer ACER, the world saw this week the arrival of the first official Ferrari phone.

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