Tag: google

Sony Xperia Z: the best Sony Mobile phone ever

Discover the new Sony Xperia Z. According to the brand itself, it is by far the best Sony mobile phone ever made.   // During this year CES, 2 brands are trying to have...

TOP 10 American fashion brands in the world

United States had always a very inspiring way of life, very inspirational for many people around the world. Here are the top 10 most wanted American Brands in the world.

Why Social media will evolve or… die.

Since the invention of the steam power engine, internet might be one of the biggest invention of the 20th century that changed the world in a way that things would never be...

Why Google+ is a failure?

Google+ is considered as the fastest launched social network in history. It gathered 10 million people in a few weeks. Larry Page, Google's CEO, almost announced a "Facebook killer" but fortunately for...

How Internet decreases the world’s cultural landscape?

The digital revolution started in 29 October 1969 when for the first time one network was made between Leonard Kleinrock's Network Measurement Center at the UCLA's School of Engineering and Applied Science  and Douglas Engelbart's NLS...

iPhone new commercial – If you don’t have an iPhone…

Here is the new TV commercial for the iPhone 4. The theme is about the fact that if "you do not have an iPhone" basically you are a loser.... It is bold but is it not a little over the top?

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