Ensuring the availability of all the right equipment like a backpack, maps, and other gear is a must if you’re gearing up to go for a hike. However, if you don’t wear the right clothes, your trip could become an unpleasant experience. If you know the type of trail you’ll be on, the temperature, the climate, and the duration of you being outdoors, then you must ensure that you carry the right hiking clothes.
Appropriate clothing is a must for hiking. Irrespective of the weather conditions, it makes you feel comfortable on the trails. A few of the new hikers or even some of the experienced hikers are unsure about the type of garments they should use.
Consider the factors mentioned in this article before you get dressed for hiking and make your decisions accordingly.
Understand The Layering System
It’s crucial to layer your upper body clothing during aerobic activities out there. Since the weather or the temperature cannot be controlled, the layering enables you to remove or add garments when your actions or the weather changes. Here, we are discussing a three-layer clothing system that consists of a base layer, an insulation layer, and a shell layer. As a good practice, you should wear the base layer regularly and can wear the insulation and shell layer only when needed.

Generally, lower body clothing is also layered. It includes underwear and a pair of hiking or tactical pants. Waterproof over pants are also a must in the extreme rainy season while the use of thermal underwear bottoms is preferred during cold weather. Hence, considering the different materials for varied weather conditions, the lower body insulation is primarily covered by hiking pants.
Use Proper Socks and Boots
With the availability of various kinds of hiking boots, it isn’t easy to identify and pick the right one for you. You must ensure that the footwear is comfortable, durable, and appropriate for the conditions. For a wet or muddy trail, consider an excellent waterproof material that can keep your feet dry. Consider boots that come up slightly higher on the ankle if the trail is very rocky. It will give your ankle the extra support.
Although selecting appropriate footwear is of utmost importance, a pair of right socks must be complemented with it. Like most of the other garments, the best socks are made of wool or synthetic materials that dry quickly and allow your toes and feet to breathe.
Grab A Good Headwear
A hat is effective at reducing body heat loss and provides insulation during cold weather. Well, it comes in handy! Generally made of merino wool or polyester fleece, hiking hats made of polyester fleece have better thermal efficiency than the ones made of merino wool. The polyester fleece hats are generally used in frigid weather while merino wool hats are used in average weather conditions. If you plan a trip during summers, you can pick a baseball cap or a Boonie hat to keep yourself protected from the sun.

Wrapping It Up
With the recommendations listed here, you must have understood one fact that the more you hike, the more you realize what you require, what you don’t, and what to wear during hiking in different weather conditions. Ensure your hiking clothes are comfortable right from the moment you put them onto the moment you strip them off. Hopefully, you will enjoy your time outdoors while keeping the basics right and plan your hiking clothes accordingly.
Happy Trailing!
Information sourced by the author for luxuryactivist.com. All content is copyrighted with no reproduction rights available. Images are for illustration purposes only