The Musée de la Main in Lausanne is a very interesting place . It offers original and quite unique exhibitions and until February 22nd 2015, you will be able to attend to Lab/Life. Two exhibition around Living things: One is about Life Exploration (Exploration du Vivant) and another one is about Stem Cells, the origins of life (Cellules Souches, l’origine de la vie). This weekend, we got to visit the first one. You can discover the life in a scientific lab, different modern techniques to explore, observe, analyse and understand Life.
Musée de la Main in Lausanne: because Science does matter.
As we know, Science and health are two very important components in life. Claude Verdan Foundation, the University of Lausanne and the CHUV (Lausanne Public hospital) have joined forces since 1997. The result is a flexible and interesting place they called Musée de la Main.
The Museum explores themes around scientific news, medical and social topics. All in an open-mind spirit. Its mission is to generate dialogue and curiosity to the public. Since its creation there were more than 30 exhibitions and several programs of activities. All together represent an unique opportunity to discover, with the head and the hands, general topics that concern us all.
Something that strikes the visitors when you get in the museum, it is the elegance and rigor that exhibitions are displayed. And during our visit of Lab/Life, we could see the great attention given to details.
LAB/LIFE – Exploration of the Living, the science lab.
We got to visit Lab/Life – Exploration of the Living. Fruit flies, diabetes, cress ladies, neurons, bacteria, wolf droppings, DNA, sleep, owls and viruses. What a program! The exhibition is a fun course that reconstructs the day-to-day in a scientific laboratory. Through a scientific approach, it explores the challenges of contemporary research in biology and medicine.
Throughout the duration of exposure, researchers at UNIL and the CHUV welcome you in their laboratories installed at the Museum. You will discover innovative techniques and novel demonstrations to the public.
LAB/LIFE – Exploration of the Living, Science is an art.
An interesting aspect of this exhibition is the elegant and artistic way to exhibit a science lab. Of course you will see microscopes and cutting edge technology, all true to a day-to-day in a Science lab. But the exhibition also reflects an artistic spirit that welcomes visitors in a very warm hearted ambiance. From amazing screens, to iMacs, white tables and beautiful iconography, Lab/Life is almost an art exhibition about Science. Very beautiful.
In our today’s society, there are incredible challenges to face. Some of them can only be achieved thanks to the support of scientific research. For that new generations of researchers are wanted, so this kind of initiative can definitely inspire new vocations. So you still have until February 22nd to visit this very interesting exhibition.
Musée de la main UNIL-CHUV
Rue du Bugnon 21
1011 Lausanne / Suisse
Tél. : +41 (0)21 314 49 55
Fax : +41 (0)21 314 49 63
E-mail :
Info sourced at the Lab/Life exhibition and the Musee de la main website. All content is copyrighted with no reproduction rights available.