Adidas turned in years into one of the most fashionable sport brand thanks to the vintage and Adidas Original collections. This year it is the rebirth of a myth: The Adidas Americana of 1975.
For this relaunch, the 3 stripes brand got back to the streets and is promoting the new sneaker with its Foot-truck.
The idea is to bring to the streets a truck, inspired by the traditional American food trucks: The Foot Truck. Painted with the colours of the Adidas Americana, people will be able to rediscover this mythical sneaker.
First released in 1975, it was one of the first iconic sneakers for the NBA in the USA. And rapidly became a street-fashion and street-dance icon.
This Friday, the Adidas Foot truck will be in Paris, fashion capital. It will cross the parisian streets all night long. Everybody is invited to join the Adidas team during the tour. This Friday you can join them on 50, Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, 75010 Paris, in front of the Paris-New York Burger restaurant (12h00). If you go, you can participate to a competition to win one pair of the famous sneakers.

You can also follow the Foot truck via Twitter @americanatruck.
When fashion get back to the streets, Adidas rules.
Info sourced at nouvelobs, L’officielmode and All content is copyrighted with no reproduction rights available.