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2005  was the year of Brazil in France and the year of France in Brazil. After that year, many activities and initiatives were built in order to strength the relationships between the 2 countries. One of these initiatives is called Moda Fusion.



This brazilian association based in Brazil tends to create opportunities for Brazil and France to lengthen their cultural and economic actions. Moda Fusion was created by Nadine Gonzales and Andrea Fasanello. The aim is to allow young talented people from Rio de Janeiro to explore an international visibility and career in fashion as designers or models with an ethical approach.


Moda Fusion also develop activities like fashion workshops, young designer’s showrooms and also support several NGO’s projects. Already several participations to Fashion Rio and different events took place. The work must go on, that is why it is important to support this association. Check here a promotional video describing the richmess and originality of their work:

Fashion Rio is already one of the most important fashion events in the south hemisphere. It collects glamour, creativity, talent and sexiness. In order to provide the future talents that will build and grow brazilian fashion landscape, the work of such associations are crucial.


They believe that brazilian creativity can be a endless inspiration for western fashion as Brazil is a melting-pot of cultures, ethnics and right now it is under the world’s spotlights. Moda Fusion has started a new project to create and propose several fashion training to young brazilian talents. They need to collect material from scotch tape, to pencils, erasers, knit towards computers and trainers salaries. You can participate and donate in the project donation official page here:

Moda-Fusion-funds-raiseThe association is trying to leverage US$4,500 until mid-september and up to now, things have been pretty successful as they already raised US$ 3,095. Still an important effort to go, so please support this association as they definitely doing some good. Of course if the project does not reach the objective amount, the money will be anyway transferred to the association.

The project is published in the Indiegogo platform, a specialized website dedicated to support projects and raise money in a simple way. At we did our support so now it is up to you to help this strong and amazing association.

The fashion industry should dedicate a specific annual budget to support such projects around the world as the investments of today are the jobs of tomorrow. Countries like Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, Malaysia or Australia, have strong talented people who deserves to burst into the international scene. This would bring more possibilities in terms of creative forces to all international brands.



Please check the association website for more information and contacts:

Creativity  is everywhere, you just need to truly look for it.


Info sourced at the association website and indiegogo platform. All content is copyrighted with no reproduction rights available.