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With the number of people working from home reaching an all-time peak, everyone is spending more time inside their living spaces. Recent statistics show nearly half of American workers have worked remotely for at least five days a week during the pandemic. Because of this, the boundaries between work, rest, and play can become easily blurred.

Going out for recreational activities is also becoming challenging, with the risk of COVID-19 and the various restrictions in place. But there’s no need to despair. This is just the perfect opportunity to transform your home into a place where everyone can still have fun whenever they want. Having your own game room is one way to do that. Follow our easy guide below to set up the best game room ever.

Make Space for the Essentials

After you’ve picked out a space to convert into your very own game room, decide the placement of the most important things first. Set up the PC, screen, console, and chairs or couch. If you’re turning it into a board game haven, make sure there’s enough space for the table. Then add the chairs to see if even the max number of players will be comfortable enough. Those aiming for an old-fashioned arcade may need more space for their game machines.

Next, map out storage space for secondary game items. These will include game discs, board game boxes, handheld consoles, accessories, and anything you need during gameplay. If you plan to store them inside drawers or opaque containers, label the outside accordingly. 

Deck the Walls

Now that all the essentials you need for playtime are good to go, you can move on to the more aesthetic part. Decorate your game room with your theme of choice.

Get inspired by old-timey arcades. Put up posters of your favorite game characters or neon signs. Show off action figures or collectibles. If you’re feeling extra creative, paint or stencil something game-related on your walls. 

For instance, Mario fans can add mushrooms or coins. Or use symbols or minimalist logos for a more low-key look. A racetrack or city skyline backdrop can make you feel like you’re in the setting itself if you’re into car games. 

Alternatively, take your game room back in time. If you enjoy historical adventures, transform it into a medieval tavern. Achieve the look with wooden panels and flameless candles to avoid fire risk. Put up impressive replicas of medieval swords on the wall. Make your own family coat of arms to place above the TV.

Keep It Cozy

No one likes to be uncomfortable when playing. Ensure good room temperature levels for your game room. Get a proper air conditioning or heating system if you can afford it. You don’t want to bathe in sweat when games get intense during the warmer months! And during colder seasons, everyone can stay warm and toasty. 

But if that’s currently not an option, there are always the more traditional solutions. The basement might seem tempting to convert into a game room, but it’s better to stick to a location with good ventilation. Airtight windows that are still easy to open are great so that you can adjust depending on the weather. 

Use blackout curtains to keep the hot sun out on summer afternoons. Have blankets ready for everyone to snuggle into on cold game nights. Get each family member’s favorite avatar printed on customized photo blankets for a fun and personal touch.

flatlay of gaming equipments
Photo by Lucie Liz on

Turn Up the Sound

If you want to take your game room to the next level, invest in a cinematic surround sound system. Being able to hear the background music and sound effects clearly and feel the vibrations will create a more immersive atmosphere

Noise-canceling headphones are also an option for rooms that aren’t soundproofed to avoid complaints from the neighbors. Transport your friends to a fantasy world by playing an epic soundtrack during Dungeons & Dragons night for traditional board game lovers.

Even a small but high-quality Bluetooth speaker can add a new dimension to gameplay if the budget is tight. 

Remember not to let the sound system get in the way. It’s best to have speakers installed on walls or shelves to free up floor space. That way, everyone can still have room to swing their Wii remotes as far as they can.

Have a Snack Stash

Who wants to pause in the middle of gameplay to grab a snack from the kitchen? Nobody.  That’s why having snacks within arm’s reach in your game room is a brilliant idea. Store potato chips, gummy candy, and chocolate bars in resealable, airtight containers. Or splurge on a tiny fridge so you can always have cold drinks, yogurt, or ice cream at the ready. 

But don’t overload on junk. Trail mix, seeds, and nuts can be a healthier alternative and are just as easy to store and eat. Ready-made popcorn is also a more calorie-friendly option.

Creating your own game room is an exciting and worthwhile project. It can be an oasis anyone can retreat to when work or school gets overwhelming or when going out isn’t an option. And since it’s in your very own home, you can personalize it however you want. What would your dream game room look like?

The pandemic may be changing daily life drastically, but you can constantly innovate and explore unconventional ideas to adapt. 

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