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In recent years there has been a significant swing in attitudes regarding working from home. Partly catalyzed by the Covid-19 pandemic, working remotely or on a hybrid schedule is now commonplace across all industries and levels of business, including among CEOs and upper levels of management teams. 

While it was initially a forced procedure due to stay-at-home orders and lockdowns, studies have continuously shown the benefits to both the productivity and the wellbeing of workers when they are allowed to work remotely. 

As a result, home offices have become much more popular, and the need for having a dedicated and optimized working space within the home has increased greatly. 

For those with plenty of funds to spare on a luxury home office, such as CEOs of large companies, it is an exciting task to take on: it’s a chance to create a space that has all of your working needs in mind, while also having the prestige and glamor that comes with luxury-quality items.

With space and funds at a surplus, your home office is like a blank canvas. Read on to find out more about the best luxury design features.

Custom-Made Furniture 

A timeless way to stamp your personality and style upon your new home office is with custom-made furniture. Whether you are planning to create a hyper-modern space with all of the latest technology and interior design, or capture the essence of grand, classic country house splendor, custom furniture will add an extra layer of authenticity, and allow you to engineer the perfect fit for the room at hand. 

If you’re looking to capture the modern, clean style of a 2022 home office, then curved furniture is currently in style, with commentators approving of its ability to create open, dynamic, and relaxing spaces.

Custom mahogany furniture, in the essence of classic manor house style, has and will never lose its unique boldness and character.

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The Best Tech

Building a luxury home office is an amazing opportunity to include all the latest technological gadgets designed to make working more comfortable, efficient, and dynamic. 

Among these office tech innovations are hugely powerful office computer set-ups such as Lenovo desktop workstations, as well as the utilization of smart speaker technology to enable the use of personal assistants such as Alexa and Siri in the office. 

It’s also worth investing in the latest in comfort and posture, with office chairs specifically designed to maintain perfect posture in the back, as well as desks with adjustable heights.

Conducive Lighting 

No matter the style of your new luxury home office, lighting is an essential part of making it a pleasant and productive place to be. Having plenty of natural light has been shown to improve wellbeing and levels of stimulation, while you can use shading to emphasize different parts of the office during different times of day. 

Depending on the area of your office—maybe you have a sit-down area as well as a desk area—certain types of lighting will be more conducive than others.

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