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Pro7, pronounce Prosieben is a private german TV channel broadcasting since 1989 in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Their leitmotiv is “WE LOVE TO ENTERTAIN YOU”. For the past 2 years they have a series of TV ads about it in which super world stars are the main hero of the ad. They had Marilyn Manson, Tom Cruise, The Pussy Cat Dolls and this year they have Mr. Lenny Kravitz.


And I must say it is by far one of the coolest sex appealing tv ad I saw in the past years. Women are definitely seduced and Men too. There is a full storyboard and for Lenny Kravitz it is a real action hero. It goes from wearing the coolest and weirdest sun glasses, through saving the world as superman up to being what he is: a super rock star.





Check here the full TV campaign that you can see right now on the screens.

I want to be a rock star…!


Info sourced at Pro7 official website and youtube channel. All images copyrighted, no reproduction rights available.