If you’re hosting a dinner party at your home, then preparation is key to the success of the evening. You’re going to be largely in charge of preparing the food and dietary requirements yourself unless, of course, you’re getting a caterer. The decoration inside your own home, keeping check of invitations, who’s attending, and how all loose ends will come together will make for a slick and well organized enjoyable evening. Hosting in your own home has both pros and cons with one of the largest cons being the clean-up operation after your guests have left and you’re in the wake of a thoroughly enjoyed dinner party. You can consider hiring a cleaner for after your party if you’re planning a large event with a lot of people to feed, with plates and surfaces to be cleaned and tidied away afterward.
Personalization can add a special element to your dinner party and lets your guests know that you’re thinking of them. Hosting the perfect dinner party is in the details so pay attention to adding an extra element of design to your evening. Consider seating your guests at their places complete with personalized settings such as individual napkins with their embroidered initials and adding a small bunch of flowers dotted along the dining table. You can design the tangible invitations yourself online, personalizing them as you go, and having them sent to their desired recipients through specialized websites. If you’re keen on cutting the groundwork and getting dessert sorted, you should look at ordering a personalized cake which can be delivered to you. New Cakes offer a free next day cake delivery service so you can relax in the knowledge that the cake for your perfect dinner party will arrive in good time, and provide a personalized, and edible, finishing touch to your soiree.
The Food
The food is arguably the most important feature of the dinner party so arrange your plans for recipes early to ensure that you can prepare and cook them before the event to make sure that you’re one hundred percent happy with the finished dish. Just because you’re holding an indulgent evening doesn’t mean that you can’t keep the food healthy and nutritious, so inquire into sourcing seasonal vegetables and focus on supporting local producers if you can. You can find many recipes for simple vegetable starters using ingredients such as coarse sea salt, garlic, different herbs, and a touch of balsamic vinegar and olive oil. If you’re cooking from home, you can keep it simple and create familiar dishes that you know will please a crowd. If you so wish, you can instead have fresh vegetables delivered to your door as to save time on going out and sourcing them yourself.
Drinks And Cocktails
Find out which alcoholic beverages your guests favor and begin researching what cocktails you can wow your guests with. You should provide a soft drink option also for any guests who don’t wish to imbibe from the alcoholic menu, so in this case, prepare non-boozy ‘mocktails’ alongside the others. If you wish to go one step further and impress your guests, you could consider the idea of hiring a professional bartender or mixologist for the evening and have them have free rein over which cocktails they create dependent of what your guests choose.
Info sourced by the author for luxuryactivist.com. All content is copyrighted with no reproduction rights available. Images are for illustration purposes only.