Let’s be honest, we all want to do things more quickly, easily, and efficiently, and this is especially so when it comes to tasks in your business – time is money after all. Thankfully, the internet is awash with different options of apps, websites and software that have the ability to do just that and here are some of the best.
Getting paid
When it comes to getting paid, the easier you can make it for yourself and your clients, the better. Set up a template for your business invoice from freshbooks.com, so that you can keep your invoices professional and on-brand, and make it simple to only change a few details depending on who you are sending the invoice to. Not only do they provide a great template, but you can also integrate it with payment software like Stripe so that your clients and customers can easily pay you with just a few clicks of a button. It also means that all your invoices are in one place which makes the boring, arduous task of doing your taxes a little less painful.
Project management
As much as scribbled paper notes can be helpful, when you are dealing with a few different projects, across a number of clients, it’s important to be as organised as possible. This is especially important if you are working as part of a team and want everyone to be on the same page. Using something like Notion, Trello or Asana allows you to do exactly this. Keep track of everything that is going on, and share your projects with the other people working on them – as well as the client or customer too. Assign tasks and set deadlines to keep everything running smoothly without too much hassle.

Time trackers
If you are billing a client per-hour, or just want to see what your employees are using their time on, there are several different apps that can track your time. Clockify is a good option for something simple that works as a Google plugin, or some project management systems have an inbuilt option. Label the work you are doing and allocate it to a project or client and at the end of the month you can look at the analytics and see where your time has been used – is it time to start charging a client more perhaps?
Emails will also be the best form of communication for long-form, official messages, but sometimes you need to drop a quick question to a team working on a project and that’s where Slack is ideal. It’s an instant messenger but still with a professional angle, and you can set up specific channels so that you’re reaching the right people every time.
As you can see, there are so many different ways in which you can utilise the technology available to work smarter, rather than harder, and grow your business without having to waste time on the tasks that fill you with dread.
Information sourced by the author for luxuryactivist.com. All content is copyrighted with no reproduction rights available. Images are for illustration purposes only. Featured Image by Gerd Altmann de Pixabay