Since Facebook established a very strict policy against unpolitical correct content, especially related to nudity and pornography, it settled the tone for the major social networks. So our children are safe. How true this is it? Actually, it is all about hypocrisy as all major social networks provide a safe place for pornography and sexual related content. Check it out.
FACEBOOK PORN, safe but not 100% perfect.
Facebook users can create an account with a minimum of 13 years old. Because of that, and a certain idea of American cleanliness, they do not allow porn, sexual content or any adult activities in the different pages. Users can flag unappropriate content and your account can be blocked. Of course, if no one report the content, it can continue online. With more than one billion users, it is quite difficult for Facebook to monitor everything. Here below what I found in a few minutes on Facebook. A 13 years old child can definitely be exposed to many things.
So what happens when Facebook see your inappropriate content? Basically the content is taken out from where you posted and you get a warning. If you continue posting sexual content, your account can be blocked and even erased.
Of course that many of these blocking processes are supposed to be automatic and even we do not really know how the content flagged is considered. Here below an example of a ad campaing against Breast-Cancer. It was completely banned by Facebook because the system considered as inappropriate.
Many photographers and artists are limited on Facebook. Nevertheless it is true that Facebook is the safest social network as certain extreme things are not present at all.
TWITTER PORN, free zone for naughty content.
Twitter is full of porn and millions of adult content. You can just browse for it and see all the different channels. Porn stars, sex companies and people sharing their own content. Twitter does not really take care of it and let people just post whatever they want. As Facebook, you just need to be at least 13 years old and you can open the doors of naughty naughty content.
TUMBLR PORN, pays the salaries at Tumblr.
Tumblr was founded in 2007,and since then became one of the most popular social networks among young artistic people. They claim 122 million of blogs and more than 55 billion articles shared in its platform. According to Technocrunch, 11% of total tumblr blogs are about pornography and 22% of total referral traffic to tumblr comes from porn websites. And it is true that you do not need to look too long to find adult content. There is even a tumblr called Best Porn on Tumblr. Can you imagine?
Since the start of Tumblr, it represented a true space for freedom. Many artists joined and young people looking for a non censured environment quit Facebook. So Porn just developed very fast and today represent a lot at tumblr. With the purchase by Yahoo, the search company would have a plan to start a war against pornography on tumblr. At the same time they would loose a considerable amount of traffic and around 12 million blogs. Frankly Tumblr, just accept what you are.
VINE PORN, the biggest hypocrisy of all
Since the launch of Vine in January 2013, a lot of buzz went around this new social network. Bought by Twitter, Vine was considered as the next big thing. And we realized quite fast that it became the next big thing … for porn. They tell you that there is no Porn on Vine. Did you try to search for the tags porn or sex on Vine? Well if you try this is what you would get:
So how to find the adult content on Vine? Very simple. As Vine blocked all tags like porn, sex, oral, etc… people started inventing agreed tags and the most popular one is NSFW. This means Non Suitable For Work. People started using this tag for content posting. Then Vine discovered this tag and also tried to block it. So people created the tags NSFW1 and NSFW2. Endless. So if you search for this, you discover a hidden world made of many videos showing Adult content. You can also discover many variants of this tag, so it show how creative people might be when in comes to Social Media. Eg: #Pu55y #
So is Vine a Instagram killer? Not really, it is more a Chat Roulette killer. As Apple refuses to support any pornographic activity throughout iTunes, Vine app is now rated 17 years old. Do you need to give your true age to create an account ? Not really.
INSTAGRAM PORN, the dark side of the moon.
We could continue here for ages but let’s wrap up with Instagram. If you search for porn or sex, of course it will not work but if you try to be more creative you can search for instaporn or pornstagram, pornstagramned… And you will find tons of intagram adult content. And now that Instagram belong to Facebook, the war against porn might happen.
According to Forbes magazine, between 10 to 15% of total websites are related to pornography. And if we take the 10’000 most popular posts in internet, 5% is going to be related to porn. Since september 2011, pornographic content publishers can purchase domain names as .XXX This should help to regulate better the pornographic content but of course things are not that simple as most of the sexual websites are still in .COM and inside the social networks. So when it comes to protect children from non appropriate content, things start being complicated. Social media should have a more strict policy against this.
Info sourced at Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr,Vine,Instagram and wikipedia. All content is copyrighted with no reproduction rights available.