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We’d like to live under the impression that we’re always going to be safe and sheltered, but it’s always wiser to be prepared for the worst rather than having a rude awakening and finding yourself in a situation that needs immediate action on your part. Having a survival kit is one of the things that never cross many people’s minds, and even those who have one, may not think that they’ll need to use it one day. Of course, no one wants to find themselves in a position where they might need to use it, but it’s always better to be prepared than regret it later. 

A question that can help you understand the importance and use of survival kits is to ask yourself what are the things that you need the most if you ever find yourself in a drastic scenario where someone gets injured. Being prepared in advance may bring you comfort and a feeling of having things under control. Here are 4 items you’re likely to find in an efficient survival kit.

1. First Aid Kit

A first aid kit is one of the necessities of a survival kit. In times of natural disasters and unpredicted crises, medical aid preparations are a must. A basic first aid kit should contain the following items:

  • Different sizes of bandages and plasters.
  • Different sizes of sterile gauze bandages rolls.
  • Safety pins, tweezers, scissors,  and sticky tapes.
  • Thermometer, preferably a digital one to avoid breakage or damage.
  • Medicines for fever and relief from pain, aspirin, children’s paracetamol, antihistamine medicine and cream, and antiseptic cream.
  • Anti-rash skin cream or spray.
  • Distilled water for cleaning wounds and disposable sterile gloves.
  • Sterile eye dressings and eyewash.
  • First aid guide book.

All of these items will be of great use in case anyone is injured or has an ailment of any sort and needs immediate attention.

2. Basic Necessities

During a natural disaster or a crisis, one of the crucial steps is to find a way to stay connected to the world and receive news updates. Having a battery-powered or solar-powered radio is very important; you have to know about safe roads, shelters, and medical services if needed. 

Waterproof glow sticks, torches, matches, and candles are among the most needed items in case of a natural disaster. Electricity and power supply are among the most common things that get affected during such situations, and according to this URL, it’s a good idea to look at reviews for the best survival kits available on the market to see which one suits you and your needs best. There are certain recommended tools and necessities, which are integral for surviving emergency situations. 

Having a sufficient water supply is very important, you must ensure to have enough drinking water for you and your family members. Food is also important, you never know how long you need to survive a disaster and whether you’ll have access to any food sources. Canned, dried, and food with a longer shelf-life are the most convenient in such situations. Make sure you also include necessary utensils and a can opener in your items. It’s recommended to pack enough food and water for at least 3 days. Don’t rely on credit cards, you need to have enough cash to cover the basic necessities for a few days. Soap, toilet paper, tissues, sanitizers, alcohol wipes, and other sanitary items should also be included in a survival kit. 

3. Important Documents 

Important documents, or even copies of them, such as personal IDs, passports, wills, insurance papers, property documents, and valuable photos, should all be included in your survival kit, you never know what might be destroyed in any given emergency scenario. 

All your sensitive papers and documents should be kept in a waterproof bag. Your wallet and credit cards are also of great importance. Make sure they’re kept in a place where they can be easily reached if you need to clear your house immediately. Jewelry and valuable belongings must be also placed in your survival kit. It’s very important to include the telephone numbers and addresses of family members and neighbors in case you lose or break your mobile phone. 

Consider keeping important data and valuable information on a hard disk or a flash memory. You can either keep it in a waterproof bag inside your survival kit or keep it with a trusted friend. You can also upload personal information on iCloud-based storage, where you can easily access it from anywhere if you had to relocate or move somewhere else. 

4. Other Essentials

While packing a survival kit, consider the types of dangers you might be likely to encounter in the area where you live and pack things accordingly. Pack clothes and protective blankets if needed. In the case of bushfire areas, don’t pack synthetic clothes, instead, go for natural fibers and long sleeve shirts. You will also need suitable footwear or rubber boots for flood areas. An adequate kit should cover your essential needs to survive a disaster for no less than 72 hours until you receive proper aid or shelter. 

Natural disasters like bushfires, cyclones, hurricanes, and floods endanger many areas and put many lives at risk. If you live in an endangered area, you need to be prepared with a proper survival kit and supplies that will help you and your family survive for at least 72 hours. In times of natural disasters, emergency services and aid are often delayed as they have to reach many people at the same time.  It is wise to plan ahead and make a list of the most important items you may need in a sudden crisis.

In incidents like this, people suffer from psychological distress and bewilderment, the feelings of fear for your life and the lives of your loved ones might keep you from clear and rational thinking. If you’re well prepared beforehand, you’ll be able to think and act wisely, and confidently with less fear. You must keep your survival kit in an accessible place, it’s no good if you can’t reach it easily if things get out of control quicker than you predicted.

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