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Did you know that clapping your hands together after placing a sprig of mint in the palm causes the leaves’ aroma-rich enzymes to break and release flavour? Yes, and we’ve got a few more of these secrets up our sleeves to help you master cocktail creation.

Buy the best

Always pick the highest-quality alcohol you can afford. The better the quality of your alcohol, the more detailed flavour notes it will have in your cocktail. To make the nicest tasting drink, use nice smooth alcohol in your cocktail shaker.

Change up the ice

You don’t have to use crushed ice. Create something different to keep your refreshment cold with an ice tray with a non-traditional form or size.

Get the most out of your flavours

Fresh mint can be used in place of dried mint in most cases since the aromas and tastes are improved by ‘clapping’ the leaves in your hands. The cells in the leaves are burst when you do this, releasing all of the fragrant gazillions of little pockets where all of the minty magic is kept.

Squeeze citrus just before use

It’s critical to squeeze lemons and other citrus fruits just before using them when dealing with them. Acids in foods convert more quickly than sugars, becoming harsh. Keep your citrus fruits at room temperature because chilled ones will be less juicy. In fact, lemon may be squeezed for 10 seconds in the microwave and yield 50% more juice.

Don’t underestimate garnishing

Raise your garnishing game — this is when you can make or break a drink. The days of cherries soaked in syrup are long gone! To assist you with your garnish, stick to fresh components that have been utilised in the production of your cocktail. A mint sprig on a piña colada or a slice of pineapple on a cosmopolitan just doesn’t seem right.

Utilise swanky citrus fruits

Our favourite foolproof go-to’s are these flashy citrus twists. All you need is a good paring knife and nimble fingers. Remove the rind in a circular motion around your fruit until you have a long strip. To add zest to your drink, rub the rince on the glass rim. Remove the peel from a lime or lemon with your finger or a skewer for more tight curls and add the finishing touch to your cocktail.

Measure everything

Use caution when adding sweet ingredients; especially with salt, sugar is similar to. Sugar serves the same role in cooking as salt does, by enhancing taste. Start with less and add more if necessary; you may always add more.


Last but not least, have fun

Don’t forget to play around and have fun. Making cocktails at home should be an adventure, not a chore. Begin with simple cocktail recipes that may be served in big jugs for group consumption. Or, if you want it to be more lively, get your guests involved.

We hope that these ideas might be useful the next time you’re feeling the need to create a unique beverage for your visitors.

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