Tag: samsung

Who is the next king of cool?

Every decade has its rising stars, cash cows and dying mammoth... Ok, here I am not talking about Darwin or about animals... I am talking about innovative, creative and outstanding companies that...

Friday Chronicles #4: Smart watches, episode one?

In less than a week time, Apple will old its famous WWDC or keynote. June and September are moments in which Tim Cook get the scepter and the crown of a living...

And the Oscar goes to… Samsung.

Every year the first big media event after Christmas is probably the Oscars. The whole world has his eyes focusing in the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel since 1929. All amazing films, actors, actresses...

Android is for non internet users??

Last month Android broke the news by announcing a massive 75% of world market share in Mobiles. This shows how the Google OS became a pretty big standard in the highly competitive...

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