The launch of Apple iPad is now everywhere. Europe was a final step. England, France, Switzerland, Germany…. all got the iPad tsunami. 2 main questions are popin’up nowadays. Who is buying the Apple iPad and which version between the 3G and the WIFI.
Well IT magazines made different surveys directly in the queues in front of each Apple Store. And here are the results, this being a kind of average between what happened in the USA and in Europe.
In average:
3G models are selling much more than the WIFI model (3 times more).
The most popular model is the 32Gb 3G.
38% of buyers have a Macbook or a PowerMac
37% have both Mac and PC.
25% only PC
36% were between 26 to 39 years old
26% between 18 and 25 years old
11% were older than 55 years old
27% were under 18 years old or between 40 to 55.
92% were men. Of course no woman can fit the iPad in her purse 🙂
84% were buying for themselves
57% will use it for the net navigation
27% for apps (12% for games only)
9% for listening to music
4% for reading books
3% for watching films and TV
And you in which iPad buyer are you?