Reading Time: 8 minutes

Switzerland is renowned worldwide for its tremendous heritage of know-how, excellence, and quality, particularly in artisanal creations. This small yet mighty nation is home to countless family-run businesses that have not only stood the test of time but have also successfully passed their legacy from one generation to the next. Among these storied enterprises, Confiserie Brändli emerges as a shining example of a Swiss success story transcending borders.

In this article, we will highlight the beautiful and unique journey of Confiserie Brändli, a name synonymous with quality and innovation in the Swiss confectionery landscape. As we delve into their remarkable history, we also celebrate a significant milestone in their journey: a new partnership set to elevate their iconic product, the Grappa Cubes, to new heights.

This partnership marks a fusion of expertise and tradition, blending the distinguished tastes of two renowned houses – Confiserie Brändli and the esteemed Al Mulinetto vineyard. Al Mulinetto, known for its exceptional grappa that has earned 92 points from Falstaff, has joined forces with Confiserie Brändli to redefine the essence of these celebrated Grappa Cubes. This collaboration is a meeting of minds and a harmonious blend of age-old traditions and modern innovation.

As we embark on this tantalizing journey, we will uncover the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into each Grappa Cube, explore the nuances of this delightful treat, and reveal how this new partnership is set to charm connoisseurs of fine grappa and exquisite chocolate. Join us as we delve into the world of Confiserie Brändli, where tradition meets modernity, and every creation is a testament to Swiss excellence.

Confiserie Brändli Grappa Cubes – Photo ©Hannes Kirchhof

Confiserie Brändli: It All Started With Passion

Confiserie Brändli’s story is a testament to Swiss craftsmanship and family heritage, woven into the fabric of Swiss confectionery history for over 120 years. The journey began with Arnold and Anna Brändli in Lenzburg, a quaint town near Zürich, where they opened a bakery that laid the foundation for a legacy of quality and tradition​​.

This dedication to excellence led to creating iconic products such as the Brändli Bomb, marzipan and almond splinter chocolate speciality renowned far beyond regional borders, marking a significant milestone in Brändli’s history​​. The company’s innovative spirit was further embodied by Martha Brändli, who, upon the untimely death of her husband Ernst, managed the company with remarkable vigour, transforming a coffee lounge into a modern British-style Tea Room, a novel concept at the time​​​​.


Under the stewardship of successive generations, Confiserie Brändli has continually evolved while respecting its rich heritage. This is evident in their recent rebranding, which incorporated a modernized logo inspired by the handwriting of Miggi, a relative of the current managers​​. In 2014, the fifth generation of the Brändli family, including Dominik, Alexandra, and Philippe Brändli, joined the company’s board, ensuring its values and traditions continue to guide its future​​.

Today’s management. From left to right: Mark, Alexandra, Rita, Philippe and Dominik Brändli.

The company has also expanded its reach and modernized its operations. Notable developments include the opening of a larger sales outlet with a Tea Room in Olten​​, the expansion of production premises in Aarau​​, and the launch of an online webshop​​. Moreover, partnerships with esteemed resellers and the closure of their Olten store in 2020, only to continue serving customers at a local bookstore, demonstrate their adaptability and commitment to customer service​​.

Confiserie Brändli’s latest venture, the production of Grappa Cubes in collaboration with Al Mulinetto, celebrates Swiss confectionery innovation. These cubes, made with high-quality grappa, signify a harmonious blend of tradition and modern creativity, further highlighted by the art poster designed by Elena Knecht, encapsulating the synergy between these two esteemed brands​​.

In summary, Confiserie Brändli, through its storied history, represents the quintessence of Swiss confectionery excellence. Their journey from a small bakery to an internationally recognized brand, underpinned by a commitment to quality, innovation, and family values, makes them a paragon of Swiss entrepreneurial spirit and culinary mastery.

Confiserie Brändli Grappa Cubes, in Partnership with Al Mulinetto

The Grappa Cubes from Confiserie Brändli are not just confectionery; they are a symphony of tradition and modern taste, encapsulating the essence of Swiss craftsmanship. This delicacy represents the pinnacle of Confiserie Brändli’s innovation, combining the rich heritage of Swiss chocolate-making with the distinctive flavour of grappa.

The Famous Grappa Cubes Al Mulinetto – Find them here.

The inception of the Grappa Cubes was a milestone in Confiserie Brändli’s history, showcasing their constant pursuit of culinary excellence. These cubes are a harmonious blend of luxurious chocolate and grappa’s robust, nuanced taste, a testament to Brändli’s commitment to combining traditional flavours with contemporary flair.

The evolution of the Grappa Cubes reached a new zenith with the partnership between Confiserie Brändli and Al Mulinetto, a renowned vineyard celebrated for its exceptional grappa. This collaboration has elevated the Grappa Cubes to new heights of sophistication. Al Mulinetto’s Grappa Nostrano Ticinese, distilled from Americana grapes grown in the sun-drenched landscapes of southern Switzerland near Lake Maggiore, infuses the cubes with a unique depth of flavour. This grappa has been lauded with an impressive 92 Falstaff points, underscoring the high quality of the ingredients used.

“Our new grappa cubes made with Al Mulinetto grappa are simply a dream in terms of taste. With Elena Knecht’s artistic poster, we are telling a moving story of Swiss tradition, quality, and pleasure”.

Alexandra Brändli, Member of the Board

This partnership is more than just a business venture; it’s a fusion of two crafts honed by years of experience and dedication. The Grappa Cubes, in their new iteration, are not only a product but a story – a story of heritage, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of culinary excellence. They celebrate Swiss tradition and are a testament to the skilful blending of chocolate and grappa, creating a product that delights connoisseurs of both.

In essence, the Grappa Cubes by Confiserie Brändli, especially in their latest form with Al Mulinetto, are a tribute to the Swiss legacy of fine confectionery and distilling. They embody the spirit of innovation that drives Confiserie Brändli, a spirit that respects tradition while boldly embracing the future.

The Collaboration with Elena Knecht: A contemporary look into a great tradition.

The new collaboration between Confiserie Brändli and Al Mulinetto required an innovative approach to communication. It was more than natural that artist Elena Knecht was identified as the ideal person to translate this beautiful intersection of culinary art and visual expression into images. To honour their joint venture and to celebrate contemporary creativity, these esteemed houses commissioned Elena Knecht, a young and talented Zurich-based artist, to design an artistic poster for the new Grappa Cubes.


Knecht, known for her imaginative and captivating artworks, has successfully captured the essence of this collaboration in her design. Her poster eloquently illustrates the harmony between tradition and innovation, embodying the spirit of both Brändli’s timeless confectionery and Al Mulinetto’s distinguished grappa. This artwork highlights the Grappa Cubes and showcases the fusion of artistic mediums, symbolizing the blend of culinary and creative craftsmanship.

This collaboration is a testament to the power of creative partnerships in enhancing and celebrating traditional products. Knecht’s artistic interpretation adds a new dimension to the Grappa Cubes, inviting audiences to appreciate the product for its taste and as a work of art. It underscores the shared values of tradition, quality, and innovation that drive both Confiserie Brändli and Al Mulinetto, further enriched by Knecht’s artistic vision. This venture beautifully illustrates how art and culinary art combine to create something unique and memorable.

Elena Knecht is an illustrator and graphic designer from Baden. Now, she lives and works in Zurich. Bright colours and geometric shapes characterize her illustrations. Plants and animals can be found in many of her illustrations. She also really likes food and architecture themes. She enjoys working on advertising illustrations, magazine/editorials, packaging design, etc., and she also loves illustrating children’s books. She has illustrated four children’s books so far.

In conclusion,

Confiserie Brändli is a beacon of Swiss confectionery excellence, weaving a rich tapestry of tradition, innovation, and unyielding commitment to quality. From its humble beginnings in a small bakery in Lenzburg to its current status as a globally recognized brand, the journey of Confiserie Brändli epitomizes the enduring legacy of Swiss craftsmanship. The introduction of the Grappa Cubes, especially in collaboration with Al Mulinetto, marks a new chapter in this illustrious history, blending the robust flavours of grappa with the delicate art of chocolate making.

This partnership elevates the product and symbolizes the harmonious fusion of two distinct crafts, underlining the brand’s dedication to excellence and innovation. Confiserie Brändli, through its storied history and forward-thinking ventures, continues to celebrate the Swiss tradition of culinary mastery, making it a paragon of quality and a source of national pride. With each cube, they unwrap layers of history, and with every bite, they savour a piece of Swiss heritage.

José Amorim
Information sourced by the author for All content is copyrighted with no reproduction rights available. Images are for illustration purposes only. The featured image is courtesy of Confiserie Brändli, a photo by Hannes Kirchhof.