Apple just released the information. After the introduction last friday of its 3G version, iPad gathered a total sales of 1 million units sold in less than one month. This represents far more sales than the iPhone (it took Apple’s phone 3 month to achieve these figures). We all remember iPad launch beginning of April right? Well after the first day, Apple sold 300,000 units, 450,000 after 5 days and half a million by mid-april. We will now see how this works for the 3G version. Models are sold between 629$ to 829$ depending on the specs.
All of this data seems to bode well for Apple. The company will also likely give an iPad sales update at its Worldwide
Developers Conference scheduled in San Francisco in early June, when Apple is also widely expected to introduce its next generation iPhone and an update to its operating system. This is BIG.
I found in Gizmodo a full test of the new 3G iPad, check it here, it might help you to make your choice.