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ferrari E liquid phone
photo Acer

Ferrari phone by AcerBased on an intelligent partnership between FERRARI and the computer constructer ACER, the world saw this week the arrival of the first official Ferrari phone. For those who know the Android Acer phone called E liquid, there will be no surprises. It is the same base. The difference it is “external”. With a full redesigned package, the Ferrari Android Phone is really for the “scuderia” fans. Discret as a Ferrari car can be. The performance ?
– 768 MHz Snapdragon Processor
– Android 2.1, 5 megapixel autofocus camera
– WiFi
– 3.5″ touch screen

ferrari-bluetoothAn elegant phone in the Ferrari way that will please all men dreaming to drive a Ferrari or if you already have one… And if you want to push the customization to the limit, you can buy this summer the customized earphone for total compatibility and image coherence. Too much or too cool ?