The world went from Mobility to Mobile. From physical movement to a smartphone usage. Switzerland is one of the top countries in terms of Smartphone usage. It is iPhone land. Here are the key figures brought by a Ipsos-Google 2012 study.
The usage of smartphones in Switzerland is quite high compared to other countries. Penetration rate:
- USA: 44%
- Switzerland: 43%
- France: 38%
- China: 33%
- Germany: 29%
- Japan: 20%
- Brazil: 14%
The smartphones became more important than television as 26% of the swiss population would rather give up their TV than their smartphone.
56% of Swiss smartphone users access internet at least once a day, which is basically the average for smartphones users in the world. Only Japan reaches 82%. Also 41% of swiss smartphone users access to a web search from their smartphones at least once a day.
But what do they search for?
- 45% for Restaurants, pubs and bars
- 39% for Travel
- 25% for Job offers
- 27% for apartments and housing
There is a multi-activity usage for the smartphones in Switzerland. Of course we can do a phone call but more than that. Here are the main activities of the Swiss users. To the question: Which of the following activities do you do with your smartphone? Swiss users answers:
- 85% for communication like emails and updating social networks
- 70% to stay informed (read online magazines, newspapers and blogs)
- 93% for entertainment like web browsing, playing games or listening to music.
When you have a smartphone, one of the biggest usage is the Apps you can download and use them for many purposes. Swiss users are top users of apps, so the apple store and the Android store are happy.
- Japan: 40 apps installed with 8 apps used per month in average
- Switzerland: 34 apps installed with 13 apps used per month in average
- France: 30 apps installed with 10 apps used per month in average
- Germany: 24 apps installed for 9 apps used per month in average
With new speed for mobile data, videos become more accessible from everywhere. Also the smartphone screens are bigger and high definition. So 77% of swiss users already watched videos from their smartphones and 11% do it at least once a day.
In terms of products consumption habits, smartphones are important in Switzerland. In deed 96% of smartphone users already searched for a product or service on their phones. Only Japan beats this figure with a perfect 100%.
On the purchase process,research that starts on smartphones leads to purchases across channels. 41% of searches via smartphone ends up on a purchase online via computer afterwards. And 31% ends up with a purchase off-line in a store.
How many people purchase at least once a month via their smartphone? Switzerland is not bad but still needs progress.
- China: 76%
- Brazil: 66%
- USA: 62%
- Germany: 56%
- Switzerland: 52%
- Japan: 51%
Mobile commerce has an interesting growth as 15% of smartphone users in Switzerland expect to make more purchases in the future via their phones. This figure could be bigger but still some barriers to mobile commerce still exists in Switzerland. Brands and websites need to improve the user experience.
- 72% of mobile users still would prefer to use a laptop/desktop to make the purchase
- 26% still don’t feel secure
- 14% still find it too complicate
- 10% complains that certain payment features were not available (credit card)
- 9% think that payment is still too complex
In terms of search, being in the first page is key as 47% of Swiss smartphone users only look at the first page of results when conducting a search on their smartphone. While talking about search, we can also talk about online advertising. In deed 86% of users already saw an advertising via mobile in Switzerland.
- 44% while in a website
- 42% while in an App
- 31% while in a search engine
- 15% while watching a video
2,9 million Swiss inhabitants have a smartphone. This figures reaches 80% among the 15-19 years old.
55% are iPhones and only 36% are Android. In the world we reached 1 billion smartphones and the evolution is double digits.
You will be 20% to read this article via mobile:
- 48% with an iPhone
- 37% with an iPad
- 3% with a Sony-Ericsson LT 15i Xperia Arc
- 2% with an iPod
- 2% with a Blackberry 9900 Dakota
- 2% with a Samsung GT-I9100 Galaxy S II
- 1% with a Samsung GT-I9300 Galaxy SIII
- 0,5% with an iPod Touch
- 0,5% with a Blackberry Bold Touch 9900 Dakota
- 4% not identified (not set)
Now you know we know !
Info sourced at Ipsos-Google study 2012. All content is copyrighted with no reproduction rights available.