Talent springs up where passion is. Discover Benny Tache, a self-taught, creative photographer who walks by instinct. His artistic feeling allows him to become a real storyteller. He creates images like a painter who seeks to touch something divine with his fingertips. For him, photography is an act of love that highlights the other. Her photographic work is intense, very aesthetic and inspiring with her beauty. Benny Tache lent himself to the exercise of our exclusive interview. Here is a passionate artist who presents great talent.
LuxuryActivist (LA): Dear Benny Tache, how did the passion for photography and images come about?
Benny Tache (BT): This is above all due to sensitivity for what is beautiful and harmonious. I see the beautiful details, a worn door, a rusty chair, the rain on the asphalt, a feminine curve in the dark, a wrinkled face … I observe, I see, I am interested … colours, shapes, attitudes, movements, sonic waves… On my right arm is tattooed the golden ratio.
LA: Which photographers have inspired you and still inspire you today? Why?
BT: Many photographers have inspired and still inspire me, and I would say they correspond to periods in my life and my photographic development. In the beginning, it was artists such as Rankin, David Lachapelle, Ellen von Unwerth, Erwin Olaf, Jean-Paul Goude, Jean-Baptiste Mondino… then Peter Lindbergh, Sarah Moon, Jacques Olivar and today, incredible images are visible on Instagram. My sensitivity evolves; it is not frozen. A photo touches me in an instinctive, natural way. I don’t intellectualize; I feel it.

LA: It sounds like you are an avid autodidact. Is it right? How did you go about learning photography? How do you define your style?
BT: As a freelance publisher for many years, I have collaborated with a hundred photographers for my own magazines (print). My eye sharpened before I began photography many years later, too late, in my opinion. Always monopolized by other (false) obligations. Some people say that you recognize my style. I’m not sure, but I would say that my photos are strong enough and give off, convey an emotion, often beautiful, mysterious, melancholy. They always tell a story. There is certain poetry. I’m not interested in taking one photo to make another one; I’m always looking for “the photo”.
LA: You say on your website that photography is “above all about being interested in the other person”. How do you go about creating a relationship with the person photographed?
BT: Actually, I don’t do much. I let the person “live” at their own pace, in their own way. Ditto for me, I try to be myself, I don’t overplay, I don’t impose myself, I suggest. Trust and interest in others come naturally. And in the end, we are all happy with the result.
LA: Do you have a favourite type of project? If yes, which?
BT: I love taking on challenges, even if I am in doubt. And I would like to go much further in creativity.

LA: If you could pick a famous character (living, dead, or fictional), who would you dream of photographing? Why?
BT: Even though I like to photograph men more and more, I would choose a woman. Since I like to live in the present moment, I would take a “real” and very much alive woman. Why not Gal Gadot? She is terribly beautiful, seems very intelligent, funny and very nice.
LA: With the development of mobile phones with multi-million-pixel photosensors, filters and other field effects, everyone pretends to be a photographer and exposes themselves on social networks. What do you think about this?
BT: I understand this, and I like that many people start taking pictures. Moreover, interest in the art of photography is growing strongly. What I’m not a fan of are selfies and over-the-top retouching.
LA: Could you please tell us something about yourself that not many people know and that should be said here?
BT: I decided a year ago to live like a real artist. Today I live partly in my Photo Studio and otherwise as a nomad. In Switzerland and abroad. Never have I been so aligned and inked and at the same time sensitive and creative.
LA: Any interesting projects to come that you could tell us about here?
BT: I would like to launch an exhibition in the spring of 2022, entitled (that can still change) “HEROÏNES”. Images presenting travelling, mysterious, strong, sensitive women … contemporary everyday warriors presented poetically and artistically. Another exhibition is in the making; it will be disruptive and daring; it will take place at the end of 2022 or in the spring of 2023.
LA: What can we wish you for the future?
BT: Excellent health, a lot of love and very creative projects around the world.
Benny Tache transcends images like a painter who transcends a landscape. He reveals what is hidden and his modern and elegant aestheticism gives him the status of an accomplished artist in his style. Do not hesitate to discover the work of this talented photographer by visiting his website:
José Amorim
Information sourced by the author for luxuryactivist.com. All content is copyrighted with no reproduction rights available. Images are for illustration purposes only.